Cricket and RRD files 0003

I came across a sporadic problem with Cricket when adding a new item to monitor. I set everything up happily, and then went to the cricket page after I was sure some data had been gathered. To my surprise, I was greeted with “Current values not available: RRD file version 0003 not supported on this

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Openvpn, for those that are unfamiliar with it, is an excellent point-to-point VPN software package. I tried it out in an environment where both ends were Fedora Core Linux systems and the installation went extremely well. In fact, it was almost simple. 🙂 The tough part was getting the configuration fine-tuned enough such that it

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Linux Serial Console

All of the machines we have in our production environment are completely headless systems which makes sense since they are about 150 miles from where our main office is. The beauty of a Sun Workstation is that, in following with the model of “The Network Is The Computer”, if there is no keyboard plugged in,

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