Majordomo to Mailman migration

Majordomo was, for the longest time, the de facto mailing list server.  For many years, it has been the king.  However, as more people have flooded on to the internet, people began to ask for more.  For a while, majordomo was expanded to handle these needs, but now there are a number of other products that do the same as what majordomo does and then some.

Mailman is a popular alternative that is entirely Python-based.  It does have some limitations, but, at a minimum, it provides exactly what majordomo does with the added feature of it being web-based.

Migrating from majordomo to Mailman can be a somewhat daunting task since there are so many pieces that are needed to be preserved between the mailing list servers.  Keep in mind that the goal is to have little or no impact to the end users.

A good step-by-step guide was found on the a href= mailing list/a, some of which is paraphrased here.

First and foremost, try not to disrupt the existing majordomo installation.  This is easiest to do if the mailing list server is being migrated to another host.  However, these two can, indeed, live side by side if care is taken.  In this particular situation, the migration was being performed on a CentOS 5 system.

Gather all of the information and archives from the currently active lists (we don’t care about the inactive ones):
liGrab the span style=text-decoration: underline;active/span lists from the majordomo server.  These servers are typically using Sendmail as their MTA, so the *active* list names can be grabbed from here via:/li
pregrep \-owner /etc/mail/aliases | awk -F-owner: ‘{print $1:$2}’ gt; /root/majordomo_tmp/list_owners/pre
liCreate the lists within Mailman and assign the correct owner to the list./li
precat /root/majordomo_tmp/list_owners | awk -F: ‘{print /usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist -u -e -q $1 $2 testpassword}’ | /bin/sh/pre
liMerge the archives for each active list in to one ‘mbox’ formatted list.  This may not be necessary depending on how majordomo was set up.  Some installations may already have the archives in ‘mbox’ format which will save a bit of time and effort/li
for i in /home/majordom/archives/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.archive.[1-9]??? \
/home/majordom/archives/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.archive.0??? ; do
cat $i gt;gt; /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.mbox
echo ” gt;gt;
/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.mbox
chown mailman:mailman
/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.mbox
chmod 664 /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/lt;list namegt;/lt;list namegt;.mbox/pre
liImport the archives to the mailman mailing list.  Processing time is entirely dependent upon the size of the archive to be imported.  In the test case, it took about 2.5 hours to migrate 274 lists comprising of approximately 20Gb of list archives./li
precat /root/majordomo_tmp/list_owners | awk -F: ‘{print /usr/lib/mailman/bin/arch $1}’ | /bin/sh/pre
liEdit /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/ to suit your needs.  In the test case, we used this file (a href= which is just a slightly modified version of the
liStart mailman via
pre/etc/init.d/mailman start/pre
liUpdate Sendmail’s aliases to point to Mailman
liBack up your Sendmail aliases file :
precp /etc/mail/aliases /etc/mail/aliases.bak/pre
liRemove all of the mailing list information from your Sendmail aliases file./li
liInsert the new aliases information in to the Sendmail aliases file:
prefont style=position: absolute;overflow: hidden;height: 0;width: 0a href= gt;gt; /etc/mail/aliases/pre
liRestart Sendmail via :
pre/etc/init.d/sendmail restart/pre
liModify the list parameters as you see fit.  This can be done either via the command line using one of the many configuration parameters (use
pre/usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -o /root/mailman_tmp/configuration_template mailman/pre
to get a full breakdown of the configuration options) or via the web interface available at on a per-list basis.  From the command line, obviously, you can get fancy.  For example, we wanted all of the lists to be publically available:
pre/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists -b | awk ‘{print echo \advertised = 1\ gt; /root/mailman_tmp/list_configs/$1}’ | /bin/sh
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists -b | awk ‘{print /usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -i /root/mailman_tmp/list_configs/$1 $1}’ | /bin/sh/pre
li Set the site-wide administrative password via:
li Set the site-wide list creator password (not as powerful as the administrator password) via:
pre/usr/lib/mailman/bin/mmsitepass -c/pre
liNext step is to hack in LDAP support, which doesn’t look to be too easy./li

ESX/ESXi and the AMD Phenom X4 9500

ESX/ESXi is a great way to truly utilize the powerful hardware that is available out there.  With the introduction of ESXi, VMware has ‘pulled a Microsoft’ by offering ESX for free to the masses in an attempt to anchor their stranglehold on the virtualization market.

ESXi 4, with VMware’s vSphere client, works on a broad range of hardware.  However, it was recently discovered in a testing environment with new hardware (an ASUS M2N68-VM and an AMD Phenom X4 9500) that AMD has a hardware bug in their Phenom X4 9×00 series of processors that breaks virtualization.  It took a lot of searching before this post was found on the VMware communities forum spelling out the issue.  Wikipedia also has a mention of it.  Unfortunately, this news isn’t easy to find.

The AMD Phenom X4 9×50 series of processors fixed the issue.

Enabling SSH on ESXi

SSH access to the console of an ESXi system is disabled by default as it is considered an ‘unsupported’ feature.  To enable it, there are just a few simple steps:

  • At the ESXi console, hit ALT-F1 to change to the console window
  • Type in the word ‘unsupported’ and enter.  You will not see anything echoed to the screen, so you just have to trust your typing skills.
  • If you typed it correctly, you will be prompted with a Tech Support Mode warning and a password prompt.  Enter the root password to log in.
  • Edit /etc/inetd.conf, and uncomment (remove the leading #) the line for ssh (the line begins with #ssh).  Save the file.
  • Reload the inet process.  This can be done by either rebooting the system or executing kill -HUP <pid>, where <pid> is the process id for inetd.  This can be found via : ps -ef | grep inet