Access to libvirt via Virt-Manager (non-root)

Access to anything using root passwords is a Bad Thing(tm), so Policy-Kit comes to the rescue.  Having never used Policy-Kit (polkit-d), it was always something disabled in order to limit the number of extraneous processes running on a server/hypervisor system. However, in this case, it comes in handy. Create: /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-libvirt-remote-access.pkla [libvirt Management Access] Identity=unix-group:libvirt Action=org.libvirt.unix.manage

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US Postage Stamps vs E-Mail

ХудожникElectronic Mail (e-mail) was brought in to the corporate world in the early 1990’s and, at that time, it was considered a “secondary” service to most employers.  A very short time later, by the mid-1990’s, that “secondary” service was viewed by those same people as “company critical”.  Despite the constant warnings by the tech world

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Fedora and funky network device names

You may have noticed that fresh installations of Fedora 15 have network device named of “em1” or “p1n1” rather than the easy to remember “eth” nomenclature.  It seems that those in the Linux world wish to take a step backwards, forgetting all that was gained with the simplified naming convention. Dial back time about 15

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