Openvpn, for those that are unfamiliar with it, is an excellent point-to-point VPN software package. I tried it out in an environment where both ends were Fedora Core Linux systems and the installation went extremely well. In fact, it was almost simple. 🙂 The tough part was getting the configuration fine-tuned enough such that it

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On-Line Game Rentals

Over the years, I have been an avid Netflix rental customer and loved every minute of it as their service has gotten better over the years. I’ve since discontinuted that service only for the fact that I do not have a lot of time right now. Now, thinking of the way DVD Movie Rentals work,

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God of War (PS2)

This game is just plain addicting! Check out this site for a preview of the game. It’s definitely worth viewing. I’ve had the game for something like 8 months and haven’t touched it. I finally got my PS2 back from (they rock, by the way) and have been playing it ever since. The graphics

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